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Open competition - conditions of entry

You may submit as many entries as you’d like, and we offer a discount for multiple entries (when submitted together):


£5.00 for the first entry and £2.50 thereafter (e.g £7.50 for two, £10.00 for three, etc.)


  • Entries must not have been ranked in any previous competition.

  • Entries must not have been previously read or heard by members of Bridgend Writers’ Circle.

  • Maximum1800 word count. Word count to be shown in top right hand corner of entry.

  • Page numbers and the title of the story must be inserted at the bottom of each page.

  • Entries must be in English and in an easily readable font, wingdings just won't cut it I'm afraid.

  • We need to maintain impartiality so please don't include your name or any other personal details on your short story – please include and submit these details on the separate competition entry form

  • Entries will have to be disqualified if they do show names, addresses or identifying marks other than the story title

  • Entry fees and stories must be received before the closing date

  • No corrections can be made after receipt, nor fees refunded and individual feedback may not be given in all cases.

  • The closing date is midnight on the 1st March 2022. Entries received after this date will not be deemed eligible and refunds will not be given for late entry.

  • Email enquiries regarding the competition or any competition entries unable to be made using the online form should be sent to

  • ​Payment of entry fees can be made to:


Account number - 50270532      

Sort Code - 54-30-05

Account name - Bridgend Writers Circle

Reference: Please use your name/pen name as a reference with the payment and confirm all of the details when you submit your entry form. We'll use the reference name/pen name if your work is chosen for a prize




  • The competition is open to all writers over the age of 18 at the closing date.

  • The competition is not open to members or family of Bridgend Writers’ Circle.

  • Entries will be accepted provided that they have not previously been broadcast or published in any form (including appearing on the internet) and that the story is entirely original, entirely the entrant's own work and does not infringe the copyright or any other right of any third party.

  • Entries should not be sent for consideration, for publication or broadcast elsewhere during the period of the competition.




  • Entries will be judged anonymously.

  • All valid entries will be judged.

  • Experienced readers from the committee will assemble a shortlist of entries to pass on to the final judge.

  • The judge's decision is final and no individual correspondence can be entered into.

  • Winners will be notified by email by the 1 June 2022.

  • The names of the winners will be published on our website, as soon as practicable after the winning announcement.

  • The organisers reserve the right to cancel the competition should the number of entries not be sufficient.

  • The organisers reserve the right not to award prizes should the standard of entry be insufficiently high.

  • Winners of the short story competition will be contacted after the announcement has been made to arrange payment of the prizes.

  • Copyrights of any story remains with the author, but Bridgend Writers' Circle has the unrestricted right to publish the winning stories in a future anthology, on its website, and in any related material for PR purposes.



  • BWC on YouTube
  • BWC on Facebook

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